Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Well it is time once again for....Thankful Thursday....this card is one that I did in my upline Trina's technique class. It is using the cracked glass technique. The reason I picked this card is because of how Amazing things can be! I know is this thankful...but bare with me you will understand....

In February my dear friend Donna in Michigan was in a horrendous car accident. On her way back to work from lunch a person in a truck ran a stop sign and hit her in the driver's side of the car. The pictures below are of her car afterwards (yes that is the drivers seat mushed). So you see, if it was not for the amazing side air bags....and God's hand in all of this....she would not be with us today! She did sustain injuries of course....but nothing life threatening. The major one is that she shattered her pelvis and was not able to even stand for fear that it would crumble. She has since been on her way to recovery and has slowly started to walk with a walker but can only put pressure on one leg. It is a long road but she is always laughing (and no not from being drugged..hehe) she just has a wonderful spirit about her. So my great big THANKS this Thursday (and always) is because she is still with us!!! Love you Donna Mae!


Unknown said...

Thanks Debi Lou! I'm on my way to getting to walk with a cane (in two weeks)! Yipee!! Your cards are just beautiful, thanks for sharing them with all of us!! :)
Love you - D